The Amber Clave Season 1 Summary
Forgot what happened in Season 1 or just want to dive right into Season 2? This short summary will catch you up on what you need to know about the first season of The Amber Clave.
Forgot what happened in Season 1 or just want to dive right into Season 2? This short summary will catch you up on what you need to know about the first season of The Amber Clave.
A mysterious black tide is polluting the Nullified Harbor, and the knot is sent to figure out what is happening. Please enjoy our Season One finale!
The knot heads back to Morenal in the ACS Adequate, flush on success and ready to take on the final challenge.
The knot ventures forward to find who is behind breaking the line node gate and holding Taro captive.
As they head into Branu’s Kiss, the knot finds a whole new world of strange underwater creatures.
The knot ventures deeper into the temple and finds surprises both wondrous and terrifying.
A plan in mind, the knot joins up with a horrifying catfish pig and heads to Nibelich, the location of a line node gate.
The knot gets their next task and head back home to find a rocky situation.
The knot finally battles it’s way to confront the fiendish scientist, Roscand.
Happy Halloween!! The knot takes a short detour to collect some aquatic delicacies before facing the mysterious dangers of the Nullified Harbor.
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